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Si ta shpejtojme Windows XP ? Welcom10

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Si ta shpejtojme Windows XP ? Welcom10

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 Si ta shpejtojme Windows XP ?

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Si ta shpejtojme Windows XP ? Empty
PostSubject: Si ta shpejtojme Windows XP ?   Si ta shpejtojme Windows XP ? Icon_minitimeThu Jan 14, 2010 7:45 pm

Permes ketij tutoriali shpejtohet startimi dhe funksionimi i windowsit. Duhet te percjellni te gjitha pikat hap pas hapi. Gjithashtu nuk garantoj ne ndonje gabim te juajin eventual qe sistemi juaj do te funksionoj keshtu qe provojeni kete me rrezik te juajin. po nuk ka arsye me u tut

Hapi 1

Infektimet nga Virusat, Wormat, Trojanat, Spyware, Adware dhe Rootkit jane shkaku #1 qe shkakton ngadalsim ne sistemin tuaj. Ato duhet te pastrohen qe te kemi nje sistem optimal

FAKT: 89% nga PC jane te infektuar

a) Disc Cleanup - Leshohet Duke hyre ne Proporties tek HDD perkatese (My computer->C:->Proporties->Disc Cleanup

b)CCleaner - Bene pastrimin e te gjitha fajllave te panevojshem si dhe pastrimin e regjistrit te windowsit

c)Spybot Search and Destroy (apo ndonje antispyware te ngjajshem) - bene fshirjen e spywares


d) Avast Home Edition - Antivirus i cili meret falas dhe ka mundesine qe te skanoje kompjuterin per virus para se te leshohet windowsi. Ky opcion kerkohet te leshohet si te instalohet avasti keshtu qe mos ja bo cancel.


Per me shume tools qe jane me te avansuara mund te vizitoni kete faqe:


Hapi 2

Vizual Effects

Nese keni kompjuer me te ngadalshem atehere preferohet qe te ndalni disa efekte te windowsit:

Shko ne "Start", "Settings", "Control Panel", "System", "Advanced" , in ne "Performance" selektoni "Settings". Dhe leni vetem kete te zgjedhura:

? Use drop shadows for icons labels on the desktop

Pastaj selekto Apply dhe OK

Hapi 3

Nderpreje Indexing Service

Permes ketij servisi te windowsit ju i gjeni fajllat ne kompjuterin e juaj shume me shpejt por me nje cmim te madh te performances, per te ndaluar kete veproni keshtu:

Per te ndaluar servisin shkoni ne "My Computer", klikoni te gjithe HDD e juaj me susten e dhjathte dhe selektoni "Properties". Heke selektimin e "Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching". Dhe selekto "Apply changes to subfolders and files". Nese ndonje fajll nuk mund te rikonfigurohet vetem selekto "Ignore All".

Hapi 4

System Restore shkakton ngadalsim te dukshem te sistemit si dhe ngarkon hapsire ne hard diskun tuaj.

Per te ndaluar kete shkoni ne:

Klikoni me susten e dhjat te mausit ne MY COMPUTER dhe selektoni PROPORTIES, aty e zgjidhni SYSTEM RESTORE dhe e selektoni TURN OFF SYSTEM RESTORE dhe OK

Hapi 5

Eshte tejet e rendesishme te kesh hard diskun te pa fragmentuar, fragmentimi i fajllave shkakton ulje te madhe te performances te hard diskut. Per at si hap te ardhshem duhet te defragmentoni HDD tuaj!

Nese keni mundesi te shkarkoni verzionin full te Diskeeper, atehere kjo eshte metoda me e mire per ta mbajte ne top forme hard diskun tuaj, perndryshe kryn pun edhe Disk Defragmenteri i Windowsit i cili eshte me i ngadalshem por efikas gjithashtu.

Hapi 6

Shkarkoje XP Anti Spy:


Permes kesaj do te nderpresh disa nga funksionet e panevojshme per shumicen te XP si:

[MediaPlayer Functions]
_ Do not acquire licenses automatically - This prevents Windows Media Player from downloading any necessary licenses.
_ No automatic updates - This prevents Windows Media Player from automatically updating.
_ Disable automatic codec downloads - This prevents Windows Media Player from downloading required codecs.
_ Don't get meta data from the internet - This prevents Windows Media Player from getting CD/DVD information.
[Miscellaneous Settings]
_ Don't synchronize with internet time - This prevents Windows from automatically keeping your clock accurate.
_ Clear pagefile at shutdown - This will cause Windows XP to take much longer to shutdown but increases security for the paranoid.
_ Deny starting regedit.exe - This prevents future use of the very useful regedit tool.
_ Deactivate Scripting Host - This will cause features to stop working in web browsers and e-mail.
_ Always show *.lnk suffixes - This adds .lnk to desktop shortcuts.
_ Always show *.url suffixes - This adds .url to web browser bookmarks.
_ Don't autostart CD's - This prevents CD's from running automatically when put in the CD/DVD drive.
_ Disable integrated Firewall - This will disable the Windows XP firewall.
_ Hide Computer in Network - This prevents your Computer from showing up in Network Neighborhood.
_ Disable Network crawling - This prevents Windows from searching your network for network resources.
[Internet Explorer 6] (This will not show up if IE7 is installed)
_ Disable automatic updates - This prevents Windows Update from checking for and downloading updates.
_ Disable scheduled updates - This prevents Windows Update from installing updates.
_ Disable Javascript - This will cause some web pages to lose their menus or functionality completely.
_ Disable ActiveX Controls - This will cause some web pages to lose their menus or functionality completely.
_ Clean website cache on shutdown - This will cause Windows XP to take longer to shutdown but is a good idea for security.
_ Disable auto-updates service - This prevents Windows Update from running Automatically.
_ Disable time server service - This prevents Windows from automatically keeping your clock accurate.
_ Disable task-scheduler service - The Windows Prefetcher, BootVis and Norton AV require this service to be running.
_ Disable firewall/connection sharing service - This will disable the Windows XP firewall.
_ Disable Security Center - This prevents necessary security warnings.
[Microsoft Messenger]
_ Uninstall completely - If you use or plan on using Microsoft's Instant Messenger leave this unchecked.
[Regsrv32 dll's]
_ licdll.dll - Only select this if Windows is already activated.
_ Disable ZIP Functionality - Only select if you have another .Zip program installed such as IZArc or WinZip.
Eshte e rekomandueshme qe te leni profilin e softwarit ne neutral

Hapi 7

XP kur te instalohet i ka serviset e veta te leshuara per tiu pershtatur shumices se shfrytezuesve por njekohesisht edhe shumica nga keto servise marrin kohe per tu startuar dhe asnjehere nuk do te shfrytezohen.

Per te ndaluar serviset mund te shkoni permes START->RUN->services.msc dhe ti ndaloni keto servise qe nuk ke nevoj ti kesh te atkivizuara:

Disable Alerter
Disable Distributed Link Tracking Client
Disable Help and Support - (If you use Windows Help and Support leave this enabled)
Disable Indexing Service
Disable IPSEC Services
Disable Messenger - (Shoot the Messenger and installing SP2 will disable this)
Disable Portable Media Serial Number - (Leave enabled for use with security dongles)
Disable Remote Registry Service
Disable Secondary Logon
Disable SSDP Discovery Service - (Unplug n' Pray will disable this)
Disable Telnet
Disable Upload Manager
Disable Wireless Zero Configuration - (If you are on a wireless network leave this enabled)
Gjithashtu edhe keto servise duhet te jene te caktuara ne automatik:

Automatic Application Layer Gateway Service - (Required by the Windows XP Firewall)
Automatic Automatic Updates - (Required by Windows Updates)
Automatic Background Intelligent Transfer Service - (Required by Windows Updates)
Automatic COM+ Event System - (Required by BootVis and other applications)
Automatic Cryptographic Services - (Required to confirm the signature of Windows system files, protected root services and key services)
Automatic DCOM Server Process Launcher - (Required by the Disk Defragmenter)
Automatic DHCP Client - (Required for Cable/DSL connections and routers)
Automatic DNS Client - (Improves internet performance)
Automatic Event Log - (Required by Windows and cannot be stopped)
Automatic Logical Disk Manager - (Required to manage and update your harddrives)
Automatic Network Connections - (Required by network connections)
Automatic Plug and Play - (Required by your system hardware, Never Disable This!)
Automatic Print Spooler - (Required by printers)
Automatic Protected Storage - (Required to protected sensitive data and to prevent access by unauthorized services, processes, or users.)
Automatic Remote Procedure Call (RPC) - (Required by Windows, Never Disable This!)
Automatic Security Accounts Manager - (Required to store security information for local user accounts)
Automatic Security Center - (Notifies you of you Firewall and AntiVirus status)
Automatic Shell Hardware Detection - (Required by the AutoPlay feature)
Automatic System Event Notification - (Required by various applications)
Automatic System Restore Service - (Required by the System Restore feature)
Automatic Task Scheduler - (Required by the Windows Prefetcher, BootVis and Norton AV, Never Disable This!)
Automatic Themes - (Required by the new look of Windows XP)
Automatic Windows Audio - (Required for sound)
Automatic Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) - (Required by the Windows XP Firewall)
Automatic Windows Management Instrumentation - (Required by Windows, Never Disable This!)
Hapi 8

Per shumicen nga ju startimi i kompjuterit eshte shume e rendesishme qe te jete sa me i shpejt. Per te testuar shpejtesine e startimit dhe shkaqet e vonimit shkarkoheni kete program:

BootVis - http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=664

Instrukcione - Shkarkoje dhe startoje programin. Ne menu shko tek "Trace", selekto "Next Boot and Driver Delays". Nje "Trace Repetitions" do te paraqitet dhe selekto "OK" dhe restartoje kompjuterin. Gjat restartimit BootVis automatikisht do te starton, analizon dhe do ta ruaj ne log startimin e proceseve te sistemit. Kur te perfundon, shko ne menu tek "Trace" dhe selekto "Optimize System" dhe restartoje kompjuterin. Kete her kur te leshohet sistemi, prit deri sa te she "Optimizin System" dhe vazdho me prit deri sa te perfundon i gjithe procesi automatikisht.

Hapi 9

User Profile Hive Cleanup Service

Eshte nje Servis i cili ndihmon Logout te userit sa ma te shpejte dhe rregullimin e problemeve te ndryshme qe mund te kete profili juaj

Keto jane vetem disa nga shume hapa qe mund ti ndermerni per kompjuterin tuaj qe te jete sa ma i shpejt dhe funksional. Per me shume opcione dhe spjegime me te gjera mund te vizitosh faqen nga edhe jane marre keto informata

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Si ta shpejtojme Windows XP ?
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